How to Get All Transfers of an NFT Collection

How to Get All Transfers of an NFT Collection

Fatima Ali Hassan

Fatima Ali Hassan

Chainbase Intern

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Finding the Contract Address of the NFT Collection
  3. Accessing NFT Collection Transfers with Chainbase
  4. Tools You Need to Work with Chainbase
  5. Set up a Free Account at Chainbase
  6. Write Script Using Chainbase API
  7. Print All Transfers of an NFT Collection
  8. Conclusion
  9. FAQs

1. Introduction

If you're interested in tracking the transfers of an NFT collection, this article will guide you through the process. By accessing the transfers of an NFT collection, you can gain valuable insights into the collection's activity, including ownership details and transfer history. In this article, we'll explore how to find the contract address of an NFT collection and use Chainbase to access and analyze its transfers.

2. Finding the Contract Address of the NFT Collection

Before you can track the transfers of an NFT collection, you need to find its contract address. The contract address uniquely identifies the collection on the blockchain. You can usually find the contract address on the collection's official website or on a marketplace where the collection is listed. Once you have the contract address, you can proceed to the next steps.

3. Accessing NFT Collection Transfers with Chainbase

Chainbase is a powerful platform that provides various APIs to interact with blockchain data. By using the getNFTTransfers API provided by Chainbase, you can easily access all the transfers of an NFT collection.

4. Tools You Need to Work with Chainbase

To work with Chainbase effectively, you'll need the following tools:

  • A free account at Chainbase with an API key.
  • An IDE for writing and executing the necessary scripts. We recommend using Visual Studio Code (VS Code).

Now let's dive into the step-by-step process of accessing and analyzing NFT collection transfers using Chainbase.

5. Set up a Free Account at Chainbase

To leverage the capabilities of Chainbase, you need to create a free account. Follow these steps to set up your account:

  1. Visit the Chainbase website and register for a free account.
  2. After successfully registering, log in to your account.
  3. Once logged in, you'll be directed to the dashboard, where you can get an overview of your projects and access various features.

6.Write Script Using Chainbase API

To access the transfers of an NFT collection, you need to write a script that interacts with the Chainbase API. The following examples demonstrate how to use the Chainbase API in JavaScript, using both the fetch and axios libraries.

Example using fetch in JavaScript:

network_id = '1'; // See to get the id of different chains.
contract_addr = '0xed5af388653567af2f388e6224dc7c4b3241c544'; // Take the contract address of Azuki as an example.

fetch(`${network_id}&contract_address=${contract_addr}&page=1&limit=5`, {
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
        'x-api-key': CHAINBASE_API_KEY, // Replace the field with your API key.
        'accept': 'application/json'
}).then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(
    .catch(error => console.error(error));

Example using axios in JavaScript:

You need to installĀ axiosĀ usingĀ npm install axios --saveĀ in the terminal first.

network_id = '1'; // See to get the id of different chains.
contract_addr = '0xed5af388653567af2f388e6224dc7c4b3241c544'; // Take the contract address of Azuki as an example.

const axios = require('axios');
const options = {
    url: `${network_id}&contract_address=${contract_addr}&page=1&limit=5`,
    method: 'GET',
    headers: {
        'x-api-key': CHAINBASE_API_KEY, // Replace the field with your API key.
        'accept': 'application/json'
    .then(response => console.log(
    .catch(error => console.log(error));

7. Print All Transfers of an NFT Collection

To retrieve and print all the transfers of an NFT collection, you can use the getNFTTransfers API provided by Chainbase. The API takes the chain ID and contract address as parameters and returns a list of transfers.

Run commandĀ node <filename>.jsĀ in the terminal. Here's an example of the output:

    block_number: 16892442,
    block_timestamp: '2023-03-23T19:53:59Z',
    from_address: '0x77e3e957082ca648c1c5b0f3e6aec00ab1245186',
    log_index: 244,
    operator_address: '',
    to_address: '0xc58d63d59ad68930c9fdff6f1ac479c5c9941ef4',
    token_id: '0x1719',
    transaction_hash: '0xd4e351146e6bb87fc945bd334a98ab886473c6acdf52468ae69e35c3944b0c90',
    transaction_index: 108,
    value: '0'
    block_number: 16892439,
    block_timestamp: '2023-03-23T19:53:23Z',
    from_address: '0xfbff2739978790aa7655fb1b75bb1811e347c1fd',
    log_index: 229,
    operator_address: '',
    to_address: '0x77e3e957082ca648c1c5b0f3e6aec00ab1245186',
    token_id: '0x1e72',
    transaction_hash: '0x9b6f9c66adbdc0fd04c3e338bc35a076a8300d8dedfeb60f6110c8b0986f907f',
    transaction_index: 99,
    value: '0'

By analyzing the transfers' information, such as block number, timestamp, from address, to address, and token ID, you can gain valuable insights into the collection's activity.

8. Conclusion

Tracking the transfers of an NFT collection can provide valuable information about ownership and community activity. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily access and analyze the transfers of any NFT collection using Chainbase.

9. FAQs

Q1. Can I access the transfers of any NFT collection using Chainbase? Yes, you can access the transfers of any NFT collection as long as you have the contract address.

Q2. Are there any limitations on the number of transfers I can access using Chainbase? Chainbase provides pagination options, allowing you to retrieve transfers in batches. The limit parameter in the API call lets you specify the number of transfers per page.

Q3. Can I filter the transfers based on specific criteria, such as block number or timestamp? Yes, the getNFTTransfers API allows you to apply filters based on block number, timestamp, and other parameters to refine your results.

Q4. Are there other APIs available in Chainbase for working with NFTs? Yes, Chainbase provides various APIs to interact with NFTs, including APIs for getting NFT metadata, querying token balances, and more. You can explore the Chainbase API documentation for more details.

Q5. How can I sign up for a free account and obtain an API key in Chainbase? To sign up for a free account and obtain an API key, visit the Chainbase website and follow the registration process. Once registered, you can access your API key in your account dashboard.

About Chainbase

Chainbase is an all-in-one data infrastructure for Web3 that allows you to index, transform, and use on-chain data at scale. By leveraging enriched on-chain data and streaming computing technologies across one data infrastructure, Chainbase automates the indexing and querying of blockchain data, enabling developers to accomplish more with less effort.

Want to learn more about Chainbase?

Visit our websiteĀ chainbase.comĀ Sign up for aĀ free account, and Check out ourĀ documentation.
