Chainbase at ETHDenver Recap

Chainbase at ETHDenver Recap

Jiahui Fu

Jiahui Fu

Global Ecosystem Lead

It’s been a week since the end of ETHDenver 2023. Looking back, it was truly a hectic, fruitful, and unforgettable experience. Last year, Chainbase just started its journey into Web3 data, this year, we made it to this biggest gathering of the ETH community, with polished products, as a sponsor, tech educator, and modest learner.

For us, ETHDenver is not only a place to launch a new product line, showcase existing product offerings, and test the product-market fit, but also a “playground” to learn the latest technologies, make like-minded friends, and foster meaningful connections.

What We Have Done

During the whole ETHDenver week, we proudly delivered the following & unexpectedly received tons of warm and constructive feedback:

We had an introductory presentation at Probably Nothing Goose, on Feb 27th. We depicted the Web3 future we believe in and shared our pathway to this future, and explained the data backend architecture we employed with intuitive diagrams, for both tech and non-tech people to understand.

Jiahui is giving a speech about Chainbase @PNGoose.jpeg Jiahui is giving a speech about Chainbase @PNGoose


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We did a technical workshop for Sui builders, on Feb 28th. In this workshop, we specifically showcased how to use Chainbase’s console to query on-Sui data, with live coding examples.

Shiran and Jiahui @Sui Builder House.jpeg Shiran and Jiahui @Sui Builder House

Top 10 wallet addresses that cost the most gas.png Top 10 wallet addresses that cost the most gas

The most used modules and object types on Sui_.png The most used modules and object types on Sui

Count of events published on Sui_.png Count of events published on Sui

(Yes, we are one of the few data indexers that have already supported Sui’s devnet. Ready to explore Sui’s data? Register an account and try it out!)

On Feb 28th and Mar 1st, we conducted an introductory workshop and a collaborative workshop at Web3 Social House.

In the former, we developed and introduced a useful little tool that can help get portfolio (ENS, token balance, NFT, most recent transactions) overview based on wallet address, using Chainbase’s Data Cloud API.

1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png 5.png 6.png 7.png Chainbase Account Portfolio Overview Mini-Application @Web3 Social House

Shiran is showing codes behind the application @Web3 Social House.jpeg Shiran is showing codes behind the application @Web3 Social House

In the latter, we proposed a use case of on-chain credit scoring system, leveraging Chainbase’s on-chain datasets and NextID’s ID bundles. We demonstrated the paradigm shift of credit scoring system and provided a data base for building verifiable credit scores for wallet addresses.


Also at Web3 Social House, we were invited by our awesome partner GoPlus Security to speak at the Web3 User Defender Panel, and shared our view of wallet-centered self-protection from a data infra perspective.

Shiran is talking about Web3 User Security @Web3 Social House.jpeg Shiran is talking about Web3 User Security @Web3 Social House

From Mar 2nd to Mar 5th, for most of the time, we stayed at the booth, introducing Chainbase to curious minds, answering questions from users and partners, live coding in our IDE with talented developers… We had so many memorable moments to share with you!

Is Jack Dorsey visiting our booth_ hahaha.jpeg Is Jack Dorsey visiting our booth? hahaha

When we were tired, we turned the booth to Self-custodial!.jpeg When we were tired, we turned the booth to Self-custodial!

Women developers rise!.jpeg Women developers rise!

Always a queue of people in front of our monitor_.jpeg Always a queue of people in front of our monitor

“Only dev know what it means” sticker.jpeg “Only dev know what it means” sticker

Incredible live SQL query, by a random developer coming by_.jpeg Incredible live SQL query, by a random developer coming by

We also did a tiny treasure hunt game! Final reward sponsored by Keystone Hardware Wallet.jpeg We also did a tiny treasure hunt game! Final reward sponsored by Keystone Hardware Wallet

3 workshops, 1 panel talk, 1 presentation, 4 days at booth. We did it!

Thank You and Moving Forward

A big round of applause to our incredible four-person all-women team!

Crypto Sisters!!!.jpeg Crypto Sisters!!!

Huge thanks to Assembly Partners, Sui Foundation & Mysten Labs, Mask Network, Collab.Land, all sponsors of Web3 Social House, ETHDenver team & SporkDAO, and more, for presenting such a wonderful series of events throughout the week!

Web3 Social House magicians!!!.jpeg Web3 Social House magicians!!

More importantly, a big shoutout to ETHDenver attendees who we met and talked to, you gave us a lot of feedback and inspiration; and to those who support us from day one to now, thanks for being with us along the way!

Thanks for coming by Chainbase booth @ETHDenver main venue_.jpeg Thanks for coming by Chainbase booth @ETHDenver main venue

We hope that, after a series of events during ETHDenver, more and more people will be Chainbased! We look forward to seeing you at the next crypto conference!

Let’s build a Web3 future where data will flow, and is universally accessible and useful.

PS: There are still some free account (Personal Plan for a month) giveaways for ETHDenver attendees, just write emails to, tell us the email address you used for registration, and we will grant access to you!

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